Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Keeping Busy

Now, the major presents have been ordered. Smaller items like stocking-stuffers can be bought after work. If I actually have time. There has been a lot of mandatory overtime. I'm not going to complain. As I said, it's eating my time, and leaving me with less free time to brood. That's a win-win for everyone. My finances are doing very well because of it, too. No need to worry about that, for now.

Today, I spent most of the day cleaning. Not really organizing or trying to sort through what needs to go and what can stay. I still need to do a lot more of that. I have no idea why I have so much stuff. Blankets, towels, craft supplies, mementos, tapes, CDs, CD-Roms, floppy disks, boxes, bags, totes, a suitcase, camping supplies, board games, shoes and boots, etc. There are a lot of clothes I never wear, too. Also, the remaining toys that my 11 year old will never touch, again, must be sorted into donate or toss piles. There is just too much stuff in here.

I understand that my years and years of poverty have made it difficult for me to part with things, but I need to do this. I need to downsize my stuff. It's just clutter. It's driving me crazy, too. After I washed a lot of my 11 year old's  winter clothes, and some of my necessities, I still have three hampers and two baskets of laundry to do. I have a lot of towels, sheets, and blankets. I've been ignoring most of that all summer and fall. I need to go through those things, too.

There's no rhyme or reason to this utter urge to purge. It just is.

As far as this snow coming down, all I can say is "Yuck." It's not sticking, at least. However, it's going to be super cold for the next three days. I foresee ice. That means earlier fucking mornings and pain in my hands and toes. Yuck. It will be 50 on Saturday, though. I can't wait.

When my two days are split, even with just one day between, it feels like I can't do anything but necessities. Thursday, though, I will make an effort to do something that I like. There was a reason I had to clean today. Once I started, I just couldn't stop. Thursday, it'll still be good in here, and I will be sure to do something that enriches me. I promise me.

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