Thursday, December 8, 2016

Distract Me

What I need are better distractions. As soon as I think there's going to be a small plateau and rest from some unnecessary drama, something else comes in to smash the peace to bits. In order for me to forget the job and focus on anything but the job, I need to look into other areas of life. The same track might be safe, most of the time, but right now, it is not. It's actually become a danger and impediment. It's time to move forward.

I'll have to figure out how to find new interests to keep me busy. The last time I found things I loved, it was through Stumble Upon. I wonder how that's going. My circles online are just too narrow. I must broaden my range. Stagnation leads to feeling trapped.

I've spent far too much time online for 21 years, and yet I still have trouble branching out from sites once I get set in a routine. Although I suspect that happens a lot. After all, we should have migrated away from Facebook and Twitter by now. I can't believe we've stagnated on those sites. There has to be something that will usurp those thrones.

If nothing else, maybe I'll start reading more existentialist works at bedtime. It'd be a good headspace to get into before heading to work in the morning. Just remembering that, in the end, none of it really matters will help keep me calm when they're trying their best to fracture my psyche.

I cannot detail here what is going to happen. I can predict, internally, that the changes coming are premature. We are not ready for them. They were done out of order, and the ivory tower managers who decided these things are going to blame us when their *brilliant* (not at all) plans cause more headaches and unhappiness than help their sales.

Seriously, whoever's playing this game of The Sims with me as the character is an asshole.

Maybe I should play my own game, and torture my own character. That might help.

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