Friday, November 11, 2016

Thank You

Something has changed. In the space of a year, so much has changed for so many people. Everyone thinks this year is nothing but shit. However, I've had a change, too. One that isn't quite complete, but it's so much bigger to me than I can really express. There was a time, some years ago, when someone else who was important to me let me know that he was paying attention to me. It wasn't something that was possible for many reasons. However, when I made the choice to leave my ex, I held on to the idea that this person I felt was important to me had told me I impacted his life, and it helped. Now, there is something going on like that again.

I need this, too. It's been something that has brought me through a dark night or two. It continues to be something that pulls me through some very trying moments, this week. In time, I hope that this blossoms into something I can discuss more specifically. For now, I just want to note that something bigger in my personal life is growing and flowering and whatever else you want to associate with it.

It's the only real thing keeping me from faltering. I needed this. I need it. My life goes on, anyway, and this just keeps me fighting. I could only wish that my few words here might offer the same in return.

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