Wednesday, November 9, 2016


This is the aftermath day. The world looks bleaker, scarier, and more doomed than it did yesterday. There was a moment when I watched "Threads" again a couple months ago. In that moment, I feared this would happen, and felt sure it would. As the weeks rolled by, though, I began to feel as though this country wasn't just a breath away from dystopia. I began to believe we could roll through to a new day where we could push Clinton into a better vision for everyone.

Instead, the votes of the electoral college go to a person who only lives for himself, in the now. His vision of this country is one I never thought would be embraced so passionately by enough people to win. My blinders are off. I'm sorry I didn't trust my intuition two months ago. My fear grew and exploded, but I will not live in terror. I will not hide and I will not lie. I may cry in anger today, but I know that all life ends, and it's how I lived the short breath I've been given that matters.

Until the moment comes that the guy you assholes elected proves he has no idea what "mutual assured destruction" means, I will continue to live and try to improve things for all of us. We're all we have. There's no guiding, invisible hand that will help us out of this. We have to help each other. If we don't have the backing of the government, and the majority of people around us are trying to stomp on our faces, we'll have to form tighter circles of resistance. One day, this has to stop. And we have to do it.

Divinity has not blessed the fart masquerading as a leader. There is nothing up there guiding this. All of this is on us to fix. Our fellow humans need to be reminded they are part of us as much as we are part of them. We have to address this web of life aspect to their selfishness. They're not going to listen to reason. They've proven this.

As much as I want to run away from all of you, and just not be a part of life anymore, I will stay just to piss you all off.

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