Saturday, November 19, 2016

Pure Pessimism

I've begun to wonder if "Chuck" wants us to hate the world and each other so much, we'll be relieved when some disaster finally strikes, and we're done.

I know I won't feel this way all the time.

It's just a phase.

If 2016 sucked this much, I wonder how badly 2017 will.

This was the series finale, right? What godforsaken spinoff is going to take over next year?

All the people out there doing a good job of proving our system will not catch the people who want to destroy it. Instead of our NSA, CIA, Pentagon, and FBI going after real usurpers and enemies, these have all been a fake system to become everything they kept telling us to fear and hate. But now the "right" people are doing all the things these agencies and all the conspiracy theorists told us Democrats were doing, so it doesn't matter. Law and order is for other people, not them. Like people who go 85 on the highway and run red lights who then go on about the African American people who get shot after being stopped for more minor infractions than that - "They shoulda obeyed the law." They only say that because the laws are for them, not these people.

Every day, the evidence showing semen stain elect is part of another thing Republicans have been pointing at Democrats for doing and never having evidence. Every day, the right excuses it all away. It doesn't count, now. Your true colors are showing. I can't believe I thought anyone was honest about this shit. Disingenuous be thy name.

I keep hoping I'll wake up in a different time stream. This one is going to suck. No two ways about it.

I have no fire left. Not right now.

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