Monday, November 7, 2016

One More Fucking Day

There is a new app that is still imperfect, but keeps me alive. That might sound odd to other people - especially in my age group. The images are imperfect, but the sound is getting better, all the time. I love the future. Without this, I don't know that there would be much point in ever doing anything, at all.

I love technology.




Anyway, so yes, there was some vicarious living, and there was a little more cheap wine. My feet hurt beyond all compare.

Tomorrow, I'm going to vote. It's good old boys' world down here, so there was no early voting. If you work during the open polls, tough shit. This state is so anti-democracy and pro-fascism, it's ridiculous. The lies people tell themselves about "freedom" or "patriotism" are phenomenally huge. This election has created a huge divide and most people land on the pro-fascist side.

Some people are more equal than others...

The things I've heard during this election cycle have made my jaw drop. All my worst thoughts have been realized, most of my optimism has been crushed. These people want people that aren't like themselves to die. And many of them harbor fantasies about being the people to do the killing of the "Other." The only thing I know for certain, this year, is that I am definitely better than many of them.

I'm not even going to feel bad about thinking that way. God, Guns, Gays. Those three issues are even more the defining issues they care about. Nothing else. Conform or die. I never will.

Anyway, back to music and sleep. This election can't end soon enough. At least my illusions of people being mostly good with just a little bad have been destroyed. I can see the truth, at last. So many people are just bad with hints of good every now and then.

If I Go, it'll be because I can't run away.

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