Thursday, January 19, 2017

Stand Your Ground

There are those who are choosing to remain blind. They ignore all the warnings posted along the way. They might see one or two minor things, and point out that isolated event doesn't mean anything. They're not looking or listening or reading. They're in a bubble of what they want to be true. For a few weeks, I thought maybe Trump would end up being too incompetent to do real damage. The main focus I had was on how he seemed to be using his new position to line his pockets. Now, though, it has become obvious that all those things I dread most are starting to happen.

When this country collapses, and a new order is established (we all know that's a Hitler reference, right?) there will be no place for someone like me. I'll stick around. The sand in the oyster. Maybe a pearl will grow. Maybe I'll be forced out. Who knows, at this point? We're going into chaos and destruction of everything I was taught to believe made us exceptional. Yes, yes, you can chastise me for ever believing in American exceptionalism later. Right now, I just want to make it clear that every hope I had of getting close to a vision of real freedom for everyone has been crushed into dust.

If you haven't been paying attention so far, my words will mean nothing to you now. His symbolic gesture of inviting more fascists to his inauguration just cements how much people are willing to overlook. Shut your eyes, it'll be a bumpy ride.

If you are fairly well-off financially, with a job that is unassailable even in fascism, with white skin, comfortable with the gender role you've been assigned to dutifully follow, and in love with the gender that's supposedly opposite your own, you'll probably be okay. That is, if you mind your business and let the military and police come in and "cleanse" your ethnic neighbors. So, yeah, I guess you can just shut your eyes and pretend this Dear Leader is everything you ever craved in your authoritarian heart.

The rest of us will fight. See you on the other side of this nightmare. I'll stay as long as I can, just to piss you off.

"Stand your ground
this is what we are fighting for
for our spirit and laws and ways..."
*"Honour" VNV Nation

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