For the most part, it has been okay to watch things online. I was with my younger son, today. He didn't want to be out in crowds. I understand this and respect it. We stayed in. I watched the live streams of the Washington march. It made me feel better.
There are still little gnats flying around the online world, leaving ridiculous comments. I was going to just respond with laughing at them, but then felt I should say something of substance, even though I don't feel like spending time educating them about anything. Of course, the same comment I heard when I sat during the Pledge, in the midst of the first Gulf war, was left on my page. "If you hate him so much, why don't you move?" Seriously, after 25 years, this is still their best argument?
Why didn't he move while Obama was in office? I mean, didn't Hannity or O'Reilly, Nugent, and Limbaugh all say they'd move away, claiming they'd be jailed or dead soon after Obama took office? Of course, we're not going to move. We're all staying, and some of us see this as work ahead to ensure our lives get progressively better. All our lives. Not just the ones that look and sound like me.
Money is a huge factor. Also being accepted in another country is a factor. Maybe I'd bail if I had a place to go or a reason to leave. Right now, this is not an option. So I say I'll fight off the dismal outlook and try to keep our world steady until we can get back to fixing the rest. If I have to stay, I'm not going to be silent and submissive. That's never really been my thing.
How else does one survive the environments I grew up in, after all?
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