Tuesday, September 13, 2016


It's Supernatural Day as named by the fandom, and encouraged by those at the helm. Spoiler alert. I'm watching the episodes that give us any real history of Mary Winchester. Not the "What Is and What Should Never Be" or "Dark Side of the Moon" episodes. "Pilot" though she was fridged with almost no lines, "Home" because she apologized to Sam which means she remembered what she did at some point, then "All Hell Breaks Loose" because we see her acknowledge she knew Azazel. The moments in the ones where the boy(s) time travel are the weirdest to watch right now. Michael scrubbed her memories, yet she did remember Azazel when she saw him in the nursery. What else was jarred loose? Or will she even remember that or her death? What are they going to do with her? I have so many of my own ideas. I'm sure, as always, I will wish I could write my own version.

I've been contemplating how this Talamasca style Men of Letters thing probably needs a good kick in the ass. Secret societies like that  cannot be good. They watched all that happened, and yet blamed the Winchesters for the harm done to the world. But everything the woman pointed out was due to the dickhead angels. With mom representing the "legacy" of hunting, and dad representing the "legacy" of the Men of Letters, now would be a good time to revisit the original theme of kicking the idea of "destiny" to the curb. Upend the family legacy the way they upended the destiny imposed by the angels. The secret knowledge of the secret society irks me. If that kind of knowledge was kept secret, it would undermine our survival. Making the information available widely would be key in this particular alternate universe. Keeping it secret is what got them all into the messes they were in. If Sam and Dean were just trumped up hunters as she asserted, whose fault is that?

Anyway, I'm going to stick closely to watching my favorite episodes. My top ten go something like this:

10. All Hell Breaks Loose
9. The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
8. Soul Survivor
7. Don't Call Me Shurley
6. Baby
5. Dark Side of the Moon
4. Sacrifice
3. Born Again Identity
2. Mystery Spot
1. Swan Song

Based on how much I tend to watch the episodes. Of course, there are over 200 episodes and I watch many of them regularly, like bedtime stories, when I don't want to really think and just drift off to sleep.

I suppose I should go for a walk in this wonderful weather. Now that I've explored this newest fandom obsession of mine. Hee.

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