Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Finding Peace

There was nothing but sleep today. The window was open while it was still cool, and the feeling just washed over me better than Benedryl. So, I had a long morning nap. It was blissful. When I woke up, I nearly felt rested. One day, maybe I'll even be re-energized by sleep. I'm not counting on it, though.

The cat was needy as can be. Actually, he's still acting very needy. He must be touching me, and has tried hard to climb on me, all day. Normally he knows better. I taught him very young that I'm not a bed. Which is good, because he's a huge cat, and it can be downright painful when he climbs on me.

My son's senior yearbook finally came in, and his picture shows how angry and burnt out he was. His quotes matched his face. I really hope he relaxes now that those days are over.

Right now, it's just me and the other son, next to each other on laptops. He's playing Roblox, and I'm reading short pieces online. He did his homework, we had a little pizza and pretzels, and I did the litterbox and dishes. It isn't like we don't deserve to settle in and play, now.

As is summer here, the heat will return in full force tomorrow. I would love that 20%  chance of a thunderstorm to give us a little light and sound show. It's unlikely, though this has been one of the wetter Augusts I've experienced in years. Normally, this is when the drought begins. Usually by the end of September, wildfire season is well under way. We'll see if the rain keeps up. It would be nice to go a year without watching the sun set mulch on fire.

So, this is my life, right now. It's actually good. I could ask for one more piece of my life to be better, but after years of far worse, I'm content that this is it.

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