Thursday, July 26, 2018

Just Thinking in Public

Age, needing a more supportive mattress, and a general sedentary day resulted in having a lot of trouble with my hips and waist last night. I've increased my dietary antioxidants - matcha green tea and blueberries, for examples. I took some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pain relievers (a couple aspirin and an ibuprofen.) I'm resting now, but I feel like I'm just getting over a cold or the flu. No longer sick, but still recovering.

I also learned that the only way I am going to get the matcha mixed well is with the immersion blender. It came out perfect, but I did try it more traditionally for a few weeks before I gave in and brought out the big tools. I'm not sure what it is about it, but the matcha really has become my drink of choice. It's edging out coffee, for goodness' sake. I used to not like tea and felt green tea had a grassy taste. I'm convinced I got hold of some bad quality stuff. Iced tea around here is bitter. The sweet tea is the same stuff with a load of sugar added. When I see the process of making tea bags, I can see the difference in quality.

Yeah, I spent $17 on 4 ounces of matcha, but it will go a very long way, it's imported, and it's worth the splurge. I won't need to buy anymore for a while. I can make an investment in this nowadays. That's amazing to me. I get something of quality now and then. It's lovely. I have no idea why I want green tea so much.

It stemmed from the kombucha obsession I had for a few months. After a while, though, I just wanted the tea I was making. The kombucha was giving me heartburn and the acid in it was probably doing a number to my teeth. It was good while it lasted, though. After a while, I just drank the tea, then I moved on to green and white tea. Then I wanted something denser, and saw matcha tea, and gave it a try. Just a little half ounce of it lasted a few weeks. It was even more expensive than this one I bought recently. $10 for that little tiny canister. But it lasted longer than the box of green tea bags I also have been drinking. It's less bitter, too. And it has just a little tiny bit more texture. Of course, it was clumpy with the traditional method of whisking it. Today, it was perfect. Although I kind of started to like the clumps. Oops.

Um, anyway... that sums up my green tea obsession for the moment.

I've been playing The Sims so much lately, that's about all I do. I go to work, cook, buy groceries, clean my uniform, play Sims, and sleep. I'm probably going to have to break this cycle eventually. Right now I need it, though. The steady routine is stability to me. I need that. My brain needs that. I'm healing and recovering from my decades of instability. Sometimes I get unsatisfied, so I will keep an eye out for that.

I think next year, instead of car trips anywhere for my summer week of vacation, I'm going to try hard to take a tour of the places were they filmed Twin Peaks. That should be enough time since The Return's airing that it won't be flooded with fans. Just the regular obsessives taking a trip, like before. Barring any unforeseen emergencies. I am almost back to where I was before the emergencies of 2017. Almost. Financially and mentally.

It's the end of July now. August brings with it the return of school for the one in middle school, and any settling of issues so that in September, the college student can return. We hope. The seasonal section of the store is now back-to-school themed, after all. I don't look forward to going across the main artery road to pick up the middle schooler. I wonder if there is any easier way to get there. I've been going the fastest way. Maybe I should find a more round-about way. That road is the most hostile environment in this minuscule town. I also don't look forward to going home from work at 7 a.m. when school returns. It's been so easy to drive home, in comparison. What is it about taking their kids to school in the morning that turns people into the most reckless, dangerous assholes? I'll also miss having some company from my 12 year old. The older one doesn't seem to need me much, so I don't see him much anymore. Guess that's just how it goes.

I'm actually glad this month is ending, other than the prospects of driving becoming dangerous again. I also hope the temperature starts to drop. And the humidity. I know, unlikely. I sort of miss loving the summers. Now, I just want to curl up inside with the A/C on blast. What a change.

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