Monday, July 23, 2018

Dawn Musing

This is the best weather ever. Can we keep this, please? Forever? I don't know the mechanics that brought us June in July and July in June, but here we are. My clothing stays more dry than sweaty at work. I also got 100% cotton clothing, which is helping to wick away the sweat from me, helping me cool down. Even partial polyester was like wearing a plastic bag all night. I think I'm building up enough of the 2 mg estradiol that this is also helping. There's only so much it can do against 100+ degrees in the back room and polyester clothing. I don't feel hot then cold then hot. Now I just need the couple pimples I got to go away. The 1 mg just wasn't cutting it, though. But seriously, the weather is top shelf. No glaring sun, not hot, not cold, and just wet enough to keep the plants happy.

I had an amazing amount of sleep in the last two days. I highly recommend getting a lot of sleep. There's no substitute.

I also recommend getting in some recreational activity. Something just for fun. That helped, too.

There have been a lot of weeks of dark clouds and irritation lingering over my environment. That has finally broken. I highly recommend feeling good. There's no substitute.

Now, if only the PINO construction-cone tinted toddler would start acting like a fucking adult, this would be a great week. But nooooo, we have to have the biggest fucking baby ruining everything.

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