Saturday, July 1, 2017

Some More Open Discussion of Hyster/oophorectomy

The stories out there tend toward the negative. I want to add my voice to the positive side of it.

I have had to keep track of my cycles for a very long time, because my PMDD included suicidal urges that were not helped by any of the meds I tried. This week should be the week. Today should be the worst day. I feel a lot of brain fog and soreness today, but nothing even resembling what I've gone through, over the years. For all the dismissal I've gone through about PMDD, I feel vindicated. At last, I am well enough that life seems far less evil to me.

Of course all the pain that had begun to go beyond my means of coping only made my decision more urgent to me. The bleeding and clots made it clear that this was the way to go. I am 18 days after my surgery. I have some more healing to do. I have a choice to make about HRT. I did not experience immediate menopause as some who had their ovaries removed did. I will keep myself in check for a while, though.

There are a lot of horror stories out there, but what I'm finding is that those are very uncommon. When I see someone with a title like "DON'T DO IT" I am sympathetic, but annoyed, too. Had I continued to listen to the horror stories, I'd probably be in pure torture right now. Definitely consider your own situation, but definitely don't just listen to the horror stories. The surgery has come so far away from the old days, that it really is overwhelmingly positive.

I remain one of the ones out there who is purely overjoyed with the results of my surgery.

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