Wednesday, August 1, 2018

A Bit of a Rant

So, now we have a Ministry of Religion. Well, I'm too old to be conditioned to your Christianity, so I'm getting ready to head to the stake. I've begun to make a list of the people I expect to show up with sticks and marshmallows. Half my coworkers, I'm sure. If I was a Christian, and being the way I am, though, I'd probably be shouting at other Christians about following false prophets and pointing out these motherfuckers' deeds. I know, though, that religion has become the single biggest tribal marker and nothing more. Republican Jesus looks nothing like the things I read when I gave Christianity the old college try.

Anyway, all you haters who fantasize about punishing anyone who is just slightly different than you, congratulations, you're getting your way.

Reconstructionism is something I was just made aware of. I had heard of Dominionists, but I had no idea exactly how convinced some are of being mandated with the task of bringing about the millennium to force Jesus to return. So much so, they are willing to become torturers and murderers to do it. Y'all are fucked up. Your fear and hatred of any slight variation on the human theme is amazing. Simply fucking amazing.

Hello to the "people" from Russia spiking the view count of this blog. I'm not buying anything you're selling.

I still believe in the things I grew up believing about this country. Literal interpretations of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Fighting for everyone to have the freedom to assemble, a free press, and freedom to worship or not worship as the individual sees fit. I also believe in bringing about a safety net for the general welfare of the people. Not just collecting money from me for shooting brown people and stoking the hero fantasies of gun cultists. Look, I'm all for private possession of arms that make sense for personal use. I'm not for cultists amassing arsenals to bring about the End Times. But trying to get through to people who live in a perpetual state of terror of The Other is difficult. Just know that I'm not giving up.

So I fully expect a proper stake and wood pile at my burning. I'll even wear my old pentagram just for you.

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